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How I Lost -48 lbs Postpartum & Kept It Off

I had my son in September of 2019, and by April of 2020 I was down -48 lbs and back to my pre-pregnancy weight ❤️⁠

I don't say this to brag or act like I'm some special unicorn who's just "naturally fit" and the weight just "fell off"... it didn't lol ⁠

I remember during that postpartum period feeling super overwhelmed with how I was gonna continue to run my business, take care of a newborn, AND prioritize myself and my health... ⁠

I wanted to get back to looking & feeling my best but I had to be SUPER realistic with my approach⁠ — and I remember feeling excited knowing that if I could figure out how to make it happen, I'd be able to share with other mamas exactly how to prioritize themselves and their goals too 🫶⁠

Here's what worked for me 👇⁠

1️⃣ I followed a weight loss method that's backed my science and guaranteed to work (flexible dieting + quick strength training workouts at home 🔥)⁠
2️⃣ I built healthy HABITS that got me to my goal and were realistic to sustain longterm⁠

Here's what that looked like for me...⁠

✅ I ate a balanced diet with a combination of 80% nutrient-dense "healthy" foods and 20% "fun" foods⁠ 🍦⁠
✅ Exercised for 30 min, 3-5 days/week at home with just some dumbbells⁠
✅ Grabbed macro-friendly takeout multiple times a week⁠ when cooking wasn't realistic⁠

And I've continued to do those things over the past couple years to MAINTAIN my results 👏 ⁠

This approach works 100% of the time when you follow it btw 🔥⁠

If you're ready to try it for yourself, I'm here and ready to teach you ❤️‍🔥 Click here to apply to work with me as your Personal Trainer or send me an email at [email protected] if you're wanting more info 💪⁠

Mama's, if I can do it, so can you!⁠

You make sure your baby is healthy & taken care of... now it's your turn 🫶⁠



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